True Love Magazine February 2013 - Hairline Horrors

By . - Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Buy the February 2013 issue of @TrueLoveMag and read 

pages 90 - 93 for expert hairline advice from Kavuli Nyali-Binase

of @GoodHairDiaries and Dr. Mayekiso.

If you live in South Africa, are you a fan of True Love Magazine? Should they have more hair talk from Good Hair Diaries? Let us know in the comment section below.

Have a Good Hair Day and remember to Love Your Hair!!!

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  1. Hi Kavuli

    I am no longer a True Love reader, I outgrew it some years ago :-).

    I am planning to go and get a bunch of decor magazines tomorrow so if the issue is still in circulation i will get a copy and check out your feature.

    1. It's me again. I got hold of the magazine and read the article. I think the article was done quite well and and in a balanced manner from the range of experts that contributed to the fact that it highlighted the problem, the causes and possible solutions and therefore did not leave the reader hanging. Very well done to you and your fellow contributors!

    2. Thank you, Noku! I was asked a bunch of questions and they constructed an article out of it. I'm glad you enjoyed the format. The specific hairline advice on page 93 in the box is all from me! Thank you for supporting :)

  2. Nice one Kavuli! I know that many women are struggling with their hairlines and are at their wits end trying t figure out the remedy. So glad you're sharing your knowledge on a nationwide scale. *off to the shops I go to grab a copy*


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