My Favorite No Name Brand Conditioner

By . - Tuesday, February 05, 2013

CLICKS Moisture Rich Conditioner For Healthy Hair
CLICKS has been giving me life these days. I wanted to start trying some of the conditioners on the market that no one talks about using. Through trial and error I stumbled upon the CLICKS Moisture Rich Conditioner. I love it for conditioner washing just as it is from the bottle. It has a pleasant scent and a great thick texture.

Almond Oil
Castor Oil

I wanted to see if this conditioner could substitute as a deep conditioner as well. The texture was already thick, so I added almond oil and castor oil to it. To my surprise it was a fabulous deep conditioner that left me hair extremely soft and moisturized. I used CLICKS brand of almond oil and castor oil and not the brand shown above.

Do you have a no name brand favorite for your hair? If so, what is it? Let us know in the comment section below.

Have a Good Hair Day and remember to Love Your Hair!!!

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