It's Question Time!!!

By . - Thursday, May 28, 2015

"Hi Kavuli 
I just came across your blog today through a tweet of Lebo Mashile and I must say I'm LOVING your tips on hair. 
I'm planing to do box braids and I have no idea how to take care of my hair at that stage. I would like know how can I make sure that my hair receives great care during the braiding period? And what is the best way to avoid those knots when taking off the braids? 
You doing a great job with your blog and best of luck for the future. 
Thank you for reading my email. 

Hi Selloane!

Thanks for contacting me and thank you for your compliments. 

I'm going to list everything that I think you should do before, during and after. I will also post this question and answer to the blog, as I believe it will help many other people.

Before Braiding
  1. Wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo and get all the product build-up off your hair shaft.
  2. Deep condition your hair to put the moisture back it.
  3. Moisturize the length of your hair with a heavy moisturizer like Organic Root Stimulators Olive Oil Hair Lotion, and seal the moisture in with a natural oil like coconut oil or olive oil.
While Braided
  1. Use any braid spray you like as long as the first 5 ingredients have water (aqua) and glycerin in it. Spray this on the length of your braids daily.
  2. Apply a natural oil like coconut oil or olive oil to your braids after the braid spray.
  3. Mix your shampoo with water in a cup and pour this over your head weekly. Rinse under the shower.
  4. Mix conditioner and water in a cup and pour that over the head and rinse under the shower.
  5. Dry your hair gently and never rub your head or braids.
  6. Tie your hair down with a silk scarf until the braids dry to prevent frizz.
  7. Choose to wash and condition in braids once a week or every other week.
After Braiding
  1. Do not take your braids down until you have time. You can not rush this process! Rushing is what causes tangles and knots.
  2. Detangle the hair from the ends to the top in SMALL sections. TAKE YOUR TIME!
  3. ONLY AFTER YOUR HAIR IS COMPLETELY DETANGLED may you wash and deep condition the same way you did before you installed your braids.
I hope this helps you! Let me know how it goes. 

Have a Good Hair Day and remember to Love Your Hair!!!

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