Adrienne is working towards Mid Back Length at the moment |
Name: Adrienne
Age Range: 26
Hair type: Natural no relaxer for 6 years
When did you start your healthy hair journey?: 6 years ago
To big chop or not to big chop? That is the question: Decided not to chop
What is your protective hairstyle of choice?: My own sewn-in , saves money and very easy with patience
What is your favorite hair product and why?: organic edge control!!!!! & coconut oil added significant growth too my journey
Finish this sentence: My hair is at it's happiest when... I apply coconut oil, not only smells great but keeps it amazingly strong
What does 'Good Hair' mean to you?: strong hair root to ends, no relaxer :( sorry lol, oh and unbelievably long :)
Thank you for sharing that beautiful head of hair with us. Keep Good Hair Diaries updated on your future hair progress.
Have a Good Hair Day!!!
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