Natural Hair Story - Meet Wendy Lopez

By . - Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Name: Wendy Lopez

Age Range: 24 

Hair type: curly afro

When did you start your healthy hair journey?: 2008 

To big chop or not to big chop? That is the question:  I did the big chop because I was tired of cutting off the perm little by little. It was tedious and looked very awkward with half my hair natural and half processed. It was also very unhealthy to have 2 textures on my hair; I had a lot of hair falling out. 

What is your protective hairstyle of choice?: A big puffy bun on top of my head 

Favorite hair product and why: Joboba oil because not only does it make my hair feel super soft and moist, but it also serves multiple functions: I can use it as body oil, facial oil, and as a base to burn my essential oils. 

Finish this sentence: My hair is at it's happiest when...
Clean and loved. 

What does 'Good Hair' mean to you?: Good hair is healthy hair. By healthy, I don't mean "healthy" processed hair, because chemicals used in relaxers are not healthy for the skin or for the hair. By healthy, I mean cared for and loved for what it is. Accepting your hair and allowing it to express itself freely. 

Thanks Wendy! All the best of luck in your future healthy hair journey :)

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