Natural Hair Story - Meet Julie Brown

By . - Friday, February 11, 2011

Name: Julie Brown

Age Range: 28

Hair type: thick 4b with random sections of 4a

When did you start your healthy hair journey?: Nov 2009

To big chop or not to big chop? That is the question: #TeamBigChop I had no desire to transition, so I went to Anthony Dickey for my big chop. My last relaxer was the July before, so I had enough new growth for a teeny weeny fro. Most people I know blow their roots while transitioning, which may results to heat damage or ruining the potential curl pattern. I wanted to try the healthiest route to retaining growth and defining my curls --
Big chop picture
Week 10 picture
Week 44 picture

What is your protective hairstyle of choice?: Currently, I have my hair in a kinky cornrow style for the winter months. I love it because I can just get up, spritz with Carol's Daughter Tui Jojoba and Shea Butter Sheen and head out the door. I've been rocking this look since Oct 2010 and my hair has grown tremendously. Every 3-4 weeks, I treat my hair to a Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse pre-poo and Giovanni's Tea Tree Shampoo/Conditioner treatment in between re-braiding. I usually follow with Jamaican Castor Oil, which strengthens and moisturize my hair. Once it is dry, I seal my ends with a Extra Virgin Olive Oil/Shea Butter concoction I make. --
Protective Style Picture

Favorite hair product and why: I'm the ultimate product junkie, so picking one product is very hard for me.  I'll have to go with my favorite new product - Oyin Burnt Sugar Pomade. ( The smell is delicious, where you'll have urges to taste it. I use it  scalp or seal my ends after a dry twist out. Ingredients include: castor oil, soybean oil, virgin coconut oil, mango seed oil, cocoa butter, broccoli seed oil and hempseed oil - all natural :)

Finish this sentence: My hair is at it's happiest when... I don't use a comb to style it. I find that I have minimal breakage when I use my fingers to style my hair. When I rock a fro, I co-wash every other day and use a comb in my hair once or twice a week. I just make it a priority to use a great conditioner for slip and a great detangler so I can finger style.
Week 55 Twist Out Picture
Another Week 55 Twist Out Picture

What does 'Good Hair' mean to you?:  'Good Hair' is healthy hair. Period. I have 'Good Hair' because I spend time conditioning, moisturizing, twisting it with products I research. When I had a relaxer, I didn't spend time understanding different products or oils. I put a lot of random gels and creams to maintain a certain look. Now that I have natural hair, I care about using a non-sulfate shampoo or a paraben-free hair milk. I am learning how to incorporate natural oils into my regimen as well. 

Don't we all wish we were as disciplined as Julienne in documenting our hair journey? Let us a take a lesson and start TODAY! 

Thank you for sharing your journey with the healthy hair community. I wish you all the best in whatever you do. :)

Keep the stories coming ladies. Just answer the above questions and add some great pictures. When you are ready you can send everything to my email.

Have a Good Hair day!

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