Where Have I Been? What Have I Been Up To?

By . - Wednesday, August 01, 2018

For those of you that were not aware I was fortunate enough to fall pregnant with my second child in late 2017. I decided to take a small break from blogging in July 2018 to get ready for the new edition to my family. I'm happy to say that I gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby girl!

Kavuli Nyali - Baby #2 - Good Hair & Beauty Diaries

I am now the mother of a 2-year-old lovable boy and a newborn girl. Life comes at you fast and I wouldn't change a single thing right now. I don't talk about specifics when it comes to my children. It's a way for me to keep some things sacred and just for my family and I. However, I do plan on producing more content that may be interesting and helpful to moms. I'm talking baby and children's product reviews along with postpartum talk and radical self-care for the busy mommy.

What about hair, Kavuli? 

Good Hair & Beauty Diaries will never stop giving you great content around the subject of hair. We'll just be making room for beauty, health and lifestyle content as well. It's really important to me that as the years roll by the content evolves with the times.

We are back in full swing starting August 2018! Be sure to leave a comment and share the content that you find helpful with your friends and family.

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