Share Your Natural Hair Story on Good Hair & Beauty Diaries!

By . - Tuesday, March 06, 2018

There are a ton of women out there that are debating whether or not to go natural. Share your natural hair story on Good Hair & Beauty Diaries in order to encourage another.

What to do:

  1. Send us 3 clear pictures of your natural hair
  2. Answer the questions below
  3. Send everything to
  4. You'll be notified and featured on the site!



Hair Type (Course, fine, curly, 4c etc.):

When did you start your healthy hair journey?:

To big chop or not to big chop? That is the question: Tell us if you big chopped or not and why you chose that route.

What is your protective hairstyle of choice?:

Favorite hair product and why:

Finish this sentence: My hair is at it's happiest when...

What piece of advice would you give to someone just starting on their natural hair journey?

What does 'Good Hair' mean to you?:

We can't wait to hear from you!

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