Share Your Natural Hair Story on Good Hair & Beauty Diaries!
By . - Tuesday, March 06, 2018
There are a ton of women out there that are debating whether or not to go natural. Share your natural hair story on Good Hair & Beauty Diaries in order to encourage another.
What to do:
What to do:
- Send us 3 clear pictures of your natural hair
- Answer the questions below
- Send everything to
- You'll be notified and featured on the site!
Hair Type (Course, fine, curly, 4c etc.):
When did you start your healthy hair journey?:
To big chop or not to big chop? That is the question: Tell us if you big chopped or not and why you chose that route.
What is your protective hairstyle of choice?:
Favorite hair product and why:
Finish this sentence: My hair is at it's happiest when...
What piece of advice would you give to someone just starting on their natural hair journey?
What does 'Good Hair' mean to you?:
We can't wait to hear from you!
Leave a comment and show some love!