Let's talk about poop, baby! Let's talk about you and me!
By . - Thursday, March 22, 2018
It shouldn’t come as a surprise to you, but the fact is – we all poop.
Despite this universal knowledge, pooping as a topic is so very taboo (for some inane reason) that we just don’t broach it. In today’s culture, it’s easier at times to talk about sex than poop, which (in my humble opinion) speaks volumes about our dysfunctional perspectives.
It is also why most of us are rather clueless of what falls in the realms of normal, abnormal, and I-need-a-doctor-like-now, when it comes to bowel movements.
And this is absolutely tragic. Poop is a health indicator. The quality of your feces is your body’s way of signaling whether everything is running smoothly in there or you need to be on alert. This is the reason why questions related to your bowel movement are a staple in every doctor’s general medical history.
Hence, it’s time to start paying attention.
It’s time to hear just what your body wants to say.
It’s time to hear just what your body wants to say.
What Is ‘Normal’ Poop Anyway?
About 75% of your stool is water while the rest is a combination fiber, cells, living and dead bacteria, and mucus. A regular bowel movement could be considered as anything between passing stools a maximum of 1-3 times a day to a minimum of thrice a week.
When it comes to interpreting stools, always think of the four Ss: shape, size, smell, and shade. Healthy stools should have the following characteristics:
What The Color Is Telling You
Before you ask, yes, poop does come in different shades. And most of the times, the color can provide great insight into what your body is up to.
What The Shape Is Telling You
Poop isn’t just a fact of life, it’s also your body’s form of communication. Stop ignoring what your body has to say. It’s time to listen.
Stay healthy!
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