"I noticed you included MSM in your deep conditioning ingredients, what is that for? I am using baking soda, hemp seed conditioner and calm coat and olive oil. I happen to have some msm and I was wondering if this is something I want to add. SN: I am also taking biotin, 5000 mcg.
Thanks for your time.
Hi Sweety!
Yes, I use MSM in some of my conditioners and most recently my Cayenne Pepper Oil. MSM as you may already know is sulfur. Sulfur can be used through a supplement, foods or even creams as part of the daily intake to help promote growth and possibly prevent further hair loss. I choose to apply it topically instead of taking it internally just because some people have experienced breakouts on their skin because of it. Every person is different.
MSM is water and oil soluble. If you decide to add it to an oil, be sure to add it to an oil such as coconut oil which penetrates the cortex of the hair shaft. I hope that answers your question.
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Have a Good Hair Day and remember to Love Your Hair!!!
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