Don't you feel like you are constantly trying to figure out a way to say sorry to your hair? You know that protective style I left in too long? I'm really sorry! Sorry for leaving you high and dry last week. It won't happen again.
Check out this DIY Rosemary & Thyme hair Rinse below, and show your hair how truly sorry you are.
Applying a rosemary and thyme rinse after you’ve shampooed your hair can increase shine, enhance color and more. Rosemary has been traditionally used in an array of natural remedies. Elements of the herb can help prevent hair loss and darken your strands for a richer hue or to mask grays. Rosemary also has antibacterial properties that can battle an itchy scalp. Combine this with thyme and the benefits are next level – thyme has been known to rid of dandruff and keep hair lustrous. So how do you apply to your hair? Glad you asked.
DIY Rosemary & Thyme Rinse
Applying a rosemary and thyme rinse after you’ve shampooed your hair can increase shine, enhance color and more. Rosemary has been traditionally used in an array of natural remedies. Elements of the herb can help prevent hair loss and darken your strands for a richer hue or to mask grays. Rosemary also has antibacterial properties that can battle an itchy scalp. Combine this with thyme and the benefits are next level – thyme has been known to rid of dandruff and keep hair lustrous. So how do you apply to your hair? Glad you asked.
DIY Rosemary & Thyme Rinse
- Combine 1 TBSP of dried rosemary or a few sprigs of fresh rosemary to a large glass.
- Add 1 TBSP of dried or fresh thyme.
- Boil 2 cups of water and pour into glass.
- Let the solution sit for up to 1 hour, steeping the herbs in the water to create the rinse.
- Then strain and apply to hair after shampooing. Do not rinse out. After multiple rinses you will start to see results.
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