Make It Monday: Henna & Egg Treatment

By . - Monday, June 23, 2014

Thanks to all the protein in them, eggs are generally effective in hair growth and care. But let's talk about this relatively easy to do treatment, for which you'll need natural henna powder, an egg, half a cup of lemon juice, and a cup of water. As readers have pointed out, this treatment can change the color of your hair, either a little or a lot depending on the current shade. If you want to add some richness in terms of color while promoting hair growth and thickness, go for it! Just be aware that it can alter the color of your hair!
Recipe: Begin by mixing the henna, your egg, and the water together until you've formed a paste, then let it stand for an hour. Add lemon juice and blend it in until the mixture is smooth again, then apply the paste to your scalp and hair, from root to tips. Allow it to set in for about two hours, or until the mix is completely dry. Actually, if you want to leave it on during the night, that's fine too. When you rinse it, just use cool or lukewarm water and gently work the mixture out of your hair, then shampoo as usual.
How Often: Limit your use of this treatment to every month or every other month.
Where to Buy: Eggs and lemon juice are available at any retailer or drugstore, of course! You can find henna powder at a variety of places, including hair and beauty stores, some retailers, and online shops.
Have a Good Hair Day and remember to Love Your Hair!!!

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