Seven Deadly Hair Sins

By . - Friday, May 17, 2013

By : Candice Wyatt-Minter, Wyatt Hairdressing via MarieClaire
When it comes to having healthy, strong, shiny locks, it’s all about how you care for your tresses. Avoid the following mistakes and you’ll see the difference in no time!
No. 1 Brushing your hair when it is wet.
One should always use an anti-static wide-tooth comb when wet and only use your brush when your hair is dry. This will prevent split ends and breakage.
No.2 Skipping on an after-colour treatment.
The benefits of a treatment after your hair colour always the outweigh the cost and time. Your colour will last much longer and your condition will allow for further colouring.
No.3 Cutting your fringe too short.
Never allow your stylist to cut your fringe shorter than it’s optimal length so that it can grow into style, rather ask your stylist if you can pop in for fringe trims! You don’t want to be looking like a dork for two weeks whilst it grows out.
No.4 Replacing your extensions without a having a break.
Always give your hair at least three months break per year from braids or hair extensions. Your hair needs time to recover from the traction and pulling. Hair-growth shampoos and treatments should be used continuously to counteract any traction alopecia.
No. 5 Exercising with your hair in a ponytail.
Whilst burning off those macarons at the gym, make sure you wear your hair in a tight bun. This will prevent your hair from swishing around and causing irreparable damage.
No.6 Making use of heat tools without heat protector.
Too many people make the mistake of using their heat-styling tools without the protection of a heat shield. Thermal tools can heat up to 230 degrees! If you are blowdrying, tonging or ironing your hair, always use a heat protector. Heat damage needs to be sniped off, no amount of treatments can mend.
No.7 Skipping trims when growing your hair.
Not having your regular eight-week trim when growing your hair won’t make your hair grow faster. If you don’t trust your stylist to only take off a little, find one who will because if you default on your regular trims you will grow out unhealthy looking hair with split ends and eventually have to have a giant cut to sort it out.

Tells us about your big hair no-no's in the comment section below.

Have a Good Hair Day and remember to Love Your Hair!!!

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