Kavuli's Tips For Growing Out The Hair At Your Nape

By . - Monday, March 11, 2013

Picture of Nape Hair

What is nape hair?

It's basically the hair that is closest to the back of the neck. The above picture is the perfect example of damaged nape hair.

Why is nape hair growth an issue for so many women?

Many women have short or broken nape hair due to chemical damage, physical damage from hair styling and just not getting the proper nourishment back there.

How can I repair my short or broken nape hair?

  • Massage the area with castor oil to stimulate blood flow and encourage hair growth
  • Don't use a comb or a brush on the area. De-tangle and smooth with your fingers only. Opt for a baby brush if you must.
  • If you use chemicals such as relaxers, perms and permanent hair dye, apply them to the nape last in order to process the area for the least amount of time.
  • Make sure the nape area is covered at night with a silk or satin scarf. Your entire head should be covered in fact.
  • Be sure to moisturize the area using the L.O.C. Method and opt for a thicker oil to seal in the moisture. I recommend castor oil.
  • Avoid styles that pull and tug at the area. I always leave my edges out when doing a sew in weave, and braid loosely around the edges for my single braids.
  • Always use a heat protectant and use heat on the lowest temperature setting when dealing with the nape.
  • Braid the hair in the nape straight across and leave it alone. It's just that simple.
Pick and choose the tips that work for you and start giving your nape the TLC it truly deserves.

Have you successfully grown the nape of your hair out? What's your secret? Let us know in the comment section below.

Have a Good Hair Day and remember to Love Your Hair!!!

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  1. I tie down my hair every night with my satin/silk scarf, but I worry that it's causing damage to my kitchen (why are we being so pc & calling it the nape, lol) & edges as my scarf rubs against those areas since they are so much shorter than the rest of my hair which can be plaited at night. Do you have any advice on how to properly protect these areas at night?


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