What my hair is doing today - I cut my hair!

By . - Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Happy New Year Everyone!

I hope everyone had a safe and pleasant holiday season. I woke up one morning and decided to cut my hair to my shoulders. For those of you that are just visiting Good Hair Diaries for the first time, I successfully grew my naturally curly hair out from close to armpit length to bra-strap length within a year and a half.

January 2010 - Nearly Armpit Length

May 20122 - Bra-Strap Length

My next goal was mid-back length and then finally waist length. So why did I cut my hair if it was on the right track?

1. My ends were looking raggedy and thin. They needed to go and I was happy to let them go. I decided to cut right up to the thickest part of my hair.
December 2012 - Raggedy and Thin Ends - Between Bra Strap and Mid-Back Length

2. I wanted to start a 'Grow With Me Challenge', and I didn't feel that the majority of my viewers would appreciate a challenge where I was gunning for waist length and they were just hoping to have their hair just reach their shoulder blades. I wanted an opportunity to show everyone how I grew my hair out the first time, and to help everyone realize that it isn't impossible.

3. It's just hair! It will grow back...

January 2013 - Shoulder Length Hair

My new hair goals for 2013
  1. Keep my ends thick and split end free
  2. Grow my hair to full armpit length
  3. Protective style more
I will be sharing my new hair regimen for 2013 in my next post, so stay tuned for that as I chat about how I plan to reach my hair goals.

Would you consider big chopping if your hair was long but not at it's best? Let us know in the comment section below.

Have a good hair day and remember to love your hair!

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  1. I just did the big chop and trying out different regimens and products will grow it out when I figure out what my hair likes!

    1. Congratulations on your big chop! Best of luck and thanks for the comment.

  2. I would love to join in the grow hair challenge but would love to add another aspect- no heat! Let's do it!

    1. Hey Fatsani, I'll be posting the details of the challenge soon so that everyone can participate. I think a no to low heat aspect is definitely in order! Thanks for the comment.

  3. I actually am seriously considering big chopping my hair because i HAVE A NEW GROWTH THAT i DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH AND SPLIT ENDS FOR DAYS.!!!

    1. Make a well rounded and informed decision before doing the big chop. I find a lot of people become overwhelmed with the new short hair when they don't have a clear understanding of their hair and the new challenges. Thanks for the comment, Jennice!

  4. Can't wait for the challenge, bring it on!! My TWA is about 4 months now, quite interesting how I pay attention now on how my hair reacts to certain products and what it actually needs compared to the two previous times when I was a natural. I'm enjoying the journey and the website.

  5. Hey Selloane! Happy 4 month anniversary! I'm glad that your enjoying the journey. I'll post about the challenge soon ;)

    Thanks for the comment!


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