What my hair is doing today...

By . - Monday, May 23, 2011

Last night I decided to try a twist n curl. It's basically when you two strand twist the hair and set the twist with a roller of your choice. I use flexi rods since they are easy to sleep with. 

My hair was super soft and shiny when I removed the rollers this morning. I moisturized as usual last night, but I sealed my ends with Vaseline, and I believe that is what made all the difference.

It's really windy and raining off and on here in Cape Town, so I decided to pin most of it up so that I would continue to look decent through out the day.

Why am I sideways?

I don't know why this is sideways...lol
The back is all pinned up and I allowed the curls to sit on the top and sides of my head. 
I think it's super cute.

Have a Good Hair Day!!!

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  1. Where did you get flexi rods? They have been on my wish list for ages!

    1. You can find them at DisChem babes. I believe they are R30 to R40 a pack.

  2. I love your blog because it answers EVERYTHING! Ive been searching for flexi rods forever and now know where to go. Thank Kavuli!


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