Natural Hair Story - Meet Mekenya Ramirez

By . - Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Name: Mekenya also known as 'Kenybenya31' on YouTube

Age Range: 20

Hair type: 3c 4a

When did you start your healthy hair journey?:
Well my journey began in Fall 2008 when i decided to start my transition to go natural... I made that decision because at the time my relaxed hair wasn't working for was breaking off, very dry scalp, brittle hair, and not growing at all.....PLUS I just started college soo money was tight so its not like I could go to my usual hair salon....SO i just made this decision to not only to save money but I needed a healthier change for my hair.....

To big chop or not to big chop? That is the question: 
I BIG CHOPPED!!! Transitioning was sweet torture for me because battling to two textures really did more damage than good.
 For example: I put my hair in a weave and took care of my hair while it was in it and when I took it out .. some of my hair broke off and was extremely dry=/ AFter wearing my hair in just about every protective style( weaves, wigs, braided styles, ect ect), I just had enough and cut of all the relaxed hair on April 10 2009...The most freeing experience EVER!!!! All i can say is that this was the best decision ever...I never really took haircare seriously before i made the decision to go natural..I learned so much about my the fact that my hair cant get enough also realized that Im able to get really creative with my hair...

What is your protective hairstyle of choice?: I love buns, they are easy, simple, cute and really protect my ends & keep them moisturized...Very IMPORTANT

Favorite hair product and why: My favorite product would have to be Kids Organic Shea butter detangling moisturizing lotion because it really does what it says...It detangles + moisturizes....which makes it easy to style my hair & makes my hair super SOFT!!

Finish this sentence: My hair is at it's happiest when...its soaking wet and has tons of conditioner on it.

What does 'Good Hair' mean to you?:

"GOOD HAIR" in my opinion, means healthy, shiny, well groomed has nothing to do with the person or their race, features, ect ect...Just the quality of their hair :]

Mekenya, you have some beautiful hair girl! Thank you for sharing I hope your story has encouraged the healthy hair community to go hard or go home. There is no in between to having a healthy head of hair.

Have a Good Hair Day!

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