I have been so busy with life and enjoying the 2010 FIFA World Cup that I neglected to deep condition my hair this past weekend. South Africa is in the winter season at the moment, and Cape Town in particular gets stupid cold during the winter, so I'm getting my deep condition on tonight.
I'm deep conditioning with Organic Root Stimulator's Hair Mayonnaise and Extra Virgin Coconut oil.
My hair seemed to really soak up the hair mayonnaise during application. It felt like I couldn't put enough on, but once I added the warm extra virgin coconut oil, I was able to distribute the product evenly. I covered my entire head with cling wrap and a stocking cap. I just hope I don't ruin my pillow cases with the coconut oil.
Anyway, for those of you that are in the summer months, don't forget to take advantage of frequent
co-washing and glycerin based products. Your hair should be able to pull lots of moisture from the atmosphere.
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